Latest results are now up on line. The latest batch have been delivered by Santa’s little helpers, all sober this week. As the cut off was the 15th these are the final results which will go towards determining the prizes-subject to Admin’s verification. We’ll be keeping the results page open to allow all those who couldn’t run due to the restrictions to run later & have their results recognised.
I’ve also included-just for bragging rights the team positions on the results page as well-just click on ‘Teams’ in the left hand corner to see the table-not saying anything but well done to HBT men & Harmeny Ladies! We had a total of 288 runners taking part & considering some of the weather conditions it’s commendable to see the run so well supported. As usual any queries please let me know & I’ll adjust the times etc for you. Don’t forget you can download your well-earned certificate from the website. 
1st Rowan Boswood 1:19:28
2nd Ross Houston 1:19:38
3rd Robbie Simpson 1:19:53
In the vets:-
MV40 Iain Hutchinson 1:25:06
MV50 Andrew Macrae 1:27:33
MV60 Gordon Cameron 1:51:03
MV70 Ian May 2:35:08
1st Claire Houston 1:42:44
2nd Dhavala Stott 1:50:30
3rd Karen Robertson 1:53:20
In the Vets:-
FV40 Genevieve Harborow 1:53:57
FV50 Julia Sanders 1:54:44
FV60 Morag McIntyre 2:05:32
FV70 Patricia Hampton. 2:30:03
Results are here:
Congratulations to Nikki MacLean for her winning photo, below.