About Susan Ross

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So far Susan Ross has created 106 blog entries.

Lothian Together Apart 1st May 2021

Attached are full details and start lists for the first event in the Lothian Together Apart series. 2021-05-01_start_list_draft Saughton Together

WOL Mini Marathon Results

Well done to everyone who took part in the WOL Mini-marathon. Over 50 entries in total and some great times.

Heriot Watt 5k Challenge

A very well done to the 39 Harmenites who completed the December Heriot Watt 5k Handicap Race. It isn’t an

Lothian Junior XC Match 2 Foxlake Results

Here are the results for the second match. Well done everyone! https://salicence.sportserve.net/useruploads/eventinfo/11596-Lothian_Junior_XC_Foxlake_Results.pdf