Member Led Runs

The following weekly running sessions start in Bavelaw car park.  These are self-led but there will typically be a short and long option with a mixture of road and trail paths.  All members welcome.

  • Wednesday, 1900 – Evening run of about 6 miles.  In winter we will use head-torches but we will endeavor to include a road run for those not inclined to run with a head torch. Meet at Bavelaw car park. Wear high-vis clothing in the winter if possible.
  • Sunday, 0930 – Varied routes on road, trail and hill, with options from 5 – 15 miles, various paced groups. Meet at Bavelaw car park.

Hill Session

A weekly hill session in Balerno.  The sessions are structured, including warm-up and cool-down.  They are suitable for everyone.

  • Tuesday 1830  – see our private facebook page for details


A weekly coached interval session at Saughton Track.   This is suitable for everyone. £3 payable per session.

  • Thursday, 1830-1930 A variety of traditional track favourites with Darren Cavaroli CIRF.

Pentland Hill Runs

Regular trail / hill runs are organised through the Facebook group.  The Pentland Hills provide the most common backdrop starting from either Harlaw or Threipmuir.

Occasional “Bog and Burn” trips are organised for further afield destinations!