The East District swept the field on Saturday with wins in every age category from u13s to u17’s with the sole exception of the u17 girls. And we were pleased to see our two members help add to that haul with a win for Finlay Ross and a 6th place finish for Tendai Nyabadza in the u13 boys race. It was a tightly run race with both boys in the leading pack for the first 2kms. Tendai made a bid for the lead at the start of the 3rd kilometre but it was a fast race and he was unable to keep the lead. Finlay went for the win with 200ms to go and was able to hold off a strong fight from Ross Dewar from EAC. Both our boys were counters for the team of 6 and took home gold team medals.
And congratulations also goes to all the Harmeny children who took part in the Edinburgh Great Winter Run in Holyrood Park on the same day. I’m sure I counted 10 children for the 2.5km race which finished just outside The Palace of Holyrood. All the children did brilliantly with Charlotte McPhie taking 6th place in the Red girls race and Esther Taylor taking 7th place in the Blue girls race.
Well done everyone!
Results for the Inter-Districts are here:
Results for the Great Winter Run are here: