The club have been awarded 2 places for the Virgin Money London Marathon. Should you wish to apply for one of these places, please answer the questions below BY SUNDAY 23rd DECEMBER and email me at All applications will be considered by the end of the year.

Some guidelines:
The process for selection is by elimination based on your answers to the questions below. If you feel you may be eliminated early, please still apply as this will help your application in future years (see question 5).

Volunteering for the club (including juniors) can mean marshalling, helping organise social events, doing some admin, leading runs etc..

Please give me a shout if you are unsure how to fill it in.

1. Are you a first claim member Of Harmeny?

2. Did you apply in this year’s VMLM ballot and fail?

3. When is the last time you were awarded a Harmeny club place for the London Marathon?

4. For how many years (continuous) have you been a Harmeny member?

5. How many times have you entered the Harmeny ballot but been unsuccessful in securing a place?

6. How many times have you entered the London Marathon ballot but been unsuccessful in securing a place?

7. What volunteering have you done for the club in the last year?

Thanks and Good Luck!
