Harmeny AC have become the latest club to join the scottishathletics Club Together Project.
In doing so, we’ve become the 29th club to join the programme across the length and breadth of the country since it first started some four years ago.
The new 12-hour per week partnership post – Club and Coaching Development Officer, Lorraine Boyd – will focus specifically on:
*Setting up and delivering four weekly satellite school sections fully linked to Harmeny AC
*Coach and support the development of the induction group at Harmeny AC
*Improve Volunteer recruitment and retention within the Club’s junior section especially in relation to athlete inductions and associated parent evenings
*Support with Club Development – Club Development Action Plan/Development Plan and Club Health Check
Our early plans will prioritise setting up and coaching satellite sections across the communities in Balerno, Currie, Wester Hailes and Firhill. In tandem with these new opportunities, we hope to also add additional capacity and quality of delivery on club training nights – working alongside our existing committed and experienced coaches and volunteers.
The new role sees a partnership approach including the South West Edinburgh Community Sports Hub, City of Edinburgh Council Active Schools Team, Local Secondary and associated Primary Schools and scottishathletics.