A fantastic turnout, great conditions and the bonus of a few pots won made for a fantastic weekend at the recent Jedburgh Ultra and Running Festival. Damien O’Looney takes pride of place for his outstanding 2nd place finish in the 38-mile Ultra – all the more remarkable given the fact this was his first race beyond the 26-mile marathon distance. And with a strong finish, who knows what might have been had the race been just a few miles longer! There were outstanding PBs for a number of people (Graeme Stewart, Karl Zeiner) and great performances by first timer Paul Campbell.
The male and female relay teams went one better, comfortably picking up first place in both events – next year we need to find a mixed team to pick up all 3! Well done to Andy Ross, Gavin Orr, Phil Buckley and Craig Stewart in the men’s team and Kim Almond, Nicky Freedman, Marian Caves and Kirsty McBirnie in the ladies’.
Next up in the somewhat shorter, but no less impressive half marathon on Sunday was Fiona Milligan who finished 4th female and 3rd veteran female in an outstanding time of 1.29.36.
Finally, no article about Jedburgh could be complete without mentioning the outstanding contribution made by the near-Harmeny Wallies team. I’ll let the photographs speak for themselves……
I’m sure everyone will agree it was a brilliant weekend, great atmosphere and fantastically well organised and marshalled.